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Daniel Kraus

About The Author

“Kraus brings the rigor of a scientist and the sensibility of a poet.” – The New York Times

DANIEL KRAUS is a New York Times bestselling writer of novels, TV, and film. His
latest novel, Whalefall, received a front-cover review in the New York Times Book
Review, won the Alex Award, was an L.A. Times Book Prize Finalist, and was a Best
Book of 2023 from NPR, the New York Times, Amazon, Chicago Tribune, and more. 20th
Century Fox will release the film adaptation, cowritten by Kraus, in 2026.

With Guillermo del Toro, he co-authored The Shape of Water, based on the same idea
the two created for the Oscar-winning film. Also with del Toro, Kraus co-authored
Trollhunters, which was adapted into the Emmy-winning Netflix series. His also cowrote
The Living Dead and Pay the Piper with legendary filmmaker George A. Romero.
Kraus’s The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch was named one of Entertainment
’s Top 10 Books of the Year. Kraus has won the Bram Stoker Award, Scribe
Award, two Odyssey Awards (for both Rotters and Scowler), has appeared multiple
times as Library Guild selections, and more.

Kraus’s work has been translated into over 20 languages. Visit him at

Books by Daniel Kraus