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Anthony D. Fredericks
About The Author
Anthony D. Fredericks is a husband, father, grandfather, brother, and cousin. So too, is he Professor Emeritus of Education at York College of Pennsylvania where he taught science, writing, and teacher education courses. He is a prolific and award-winning author of more than 175 adult nonfiction and children’s books, including In Search of the Old Ones: An Odyssey among Ancient Trees; Two-Minute Habits: Small Habits, Dynamic Creativity; Tall Tall Tree; and A is for Anaconda: A Rainforest Alphabet. He has also written for an array of magazines and online journals including High Country News, Hawai’i Magazine, Harrisburg Magazine, Teaching K-8, CNBC-Make It, and Psychology Today, among others. A professional educator for more than a half-century, he has offered science workshops, conducted natural history presentations, and made keynote addresses throughout North America. He and his wife, Phyllis, live in York, Pennsylvania.
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