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Anna Goldberg
About The Author
Anna Goldberg (she/they) is a writer, editor, and geek of all trades. She designed her first game as a young kid when she and her siblings remade an old Monopoly Junior board into a game of diplomacy, backstabbing, and world history. Since then, Anna has worked on Flames of Freedom, the Zweihander Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit, and Blackbirds, and she is thrilled to be part of the Fever Knights creative team. In addition to her work on Zweihander products, Anna is the co-founder of 6 String Games, a TTRPG micropress that publishes games from the stranger side of storytelling. She has worked with Mage Hand Press, DOTS RPG, and elsewhere making games and game-related content of all sorts. When they’re not playing or making games, Anna is an avid cosplayer, tea drinker, and bibliophile. They are the cofounder of the Disability Readathon, a semi-annual event dedicated to celebrating books and media created by disabled authors. They also do disability advocacy and consulting for games, cosplay events, and other geeky endeavors, promoting inclusivity and access for all. Anna resides in the Pacific Northwest, in a bog witch’s dwelling she shares with her husband and their two dogs.
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